Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ah Vacation

So we went on vacation last week and we are in MI this week with a few of my favorite people in the whole world. Vacations are a funny thing. I really felt like we needed to make some fun family memories at the start of all this crazy travel, so to OC we went. We stayed on the boardwalk which was fun and they had an indoor pool which Brady loved. He has become quite the swimmer. He owned the pool. Since school was in session and it was mid week there weren't many people which made it seem so weird. Brady is at an awkward stage. He loves to have fun but he hates for the fun to end. Every time we transition activities it like Whine Fest 2007. When we were at the zoo he never wanted to leave any of the animals. It was like I had to drag him along whining. Then in OC we went in the Kite Loft and everything he saw he wanted to play with all day even though there were much cooler things to see and do. I know he just doesn't understand but it gets so old. Brad thinks that perhaps that is the way we are with God sometimes and he has to drag us along to the bigger and better things. Who knows, I just think the terrible twos are really tough. ug.

1 comment:

Ryan Gerber said...

you better not miss this chance to get your hands on one of these hot tees- theyre going fast
and theyre Hot!

like fire!