Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Sunday the whole family went along to our missions services. The first was in West Chester with a great pastor who had a good time with Mac at lunch, and the second was in Newark, DE. We had quite a few hours between services and the boys were napping in the car so I had the unique experience to take Tony a short way down memory lane. During my childhood/elementary years we lived in Elkton, MD which is only a few miles from Praise A/G in Newark. It was so wild to go by my old house in Manchester Park -- What I remembered as 193 Avalon Ave. has been changed to 164 Avalon Ave. but Maggie our GPS knew just where to go. I shared some of my most vivid memories of the old neighborhood and my best friend Megan Brown. It seems like so long ago and in reality it was about 20 years ago - that is a lifetime. Some say they don't like going back but I really enjoyed it. The past has a great piece of who we are today. For many years our family didn't live for Christ, we didn't ever go to church but it was in the living room of that house that my parents gave their hearts to Jesus and it has altered the destiny of our lives forever.


Leah said...

I love the memories and I love even more that you named your GPS Maggie. Does Tony support this personification? Does he also refer to her as Maggie? :-)

jamiecbass said...

oh yes Maggie is her name, we had to agree and at first he rejected the name Maggie but that is who she is, the voice is a dead ringer for a Maggie.