Thursday, August 7, 2008

Brady and His Poop

So I have to write this down although it slightly crosses the line of things I think should be on my blog but I think that most will get a solid laugh out of it so I'll share. I have now completely potty trained Brady and I'd have to say it is my greatest accomplishment. The funniest thing he started was that when he poops he calls his deposit something new every time. About the 3rd time he had a successful "BM" he said "that's a dolphin mommy, I pooped a dolphin." He was so excited and he was right it looked just like a dolphin. This kind of started a trend and future specimen were described as; a daddy and a baby, a piece of cheese, scary, playdough, a camel, and a few others that I am forgetting.


Kara said...

Haha! This is great. I especially like that one was just titled "scary."

jamiecbass said...

today it was a puma.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, while rummaging through some of my kid's childhood stuff, I found the "Once upon a potty" book. Oh, the memories (wasn't much help though)
The pictures are cartoon-ish, but they grossed Annie out. Our favorite was the one that looked like chocolate mouse that missed the potty....Yuck!