Friday, October 19, 2007

A Great Sunday

This is the start of a series of blogs I've been meaning to write, so if you've gotten this far you are all caught up. Sorry for so much at once but you know how it is with kids and what not. This was such a great Sunday for several reasons. We got to go to church with my cousin Kari who attends Central Christian in Baltimore, MD. This is a significant church to my family because when we first decided to follow Jesus we attended here. Now they are in a beautiful bulding but at the time they met in a school. It was a really neat service. One surprise was that there was a guest speaker, a missionary nonetheless, Butch Frey from Mexico City. I was so excited! When I was at CBC I had the opportunity to go to dinner at the Frey house several times. We talked about life and missions and it was so awesome to hear him again. Afterward we got to chat with him in Pastor Terry's office while Tony and Pastor Joel talked about Montana. (so much conversation is generated because of MT). After that awesome moment we went to visit my cousin Shawn and his wife Steph who just had a baby girl named Miranda. She was so precious. After that we had lunch at my favorite restaurant The Macaroni Grill -- mmm ---My goal when I go is to drink as much Mango Tea and eat as much bread as possible. Then I eat a few bites of my meal and save the rest for lunch. It makes me happy just thinking about it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahhh i love macaroni grill its so awesome.