Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Original Sin

Brady's little life has been filled with firsts - first steps, first words, first ice cream cone. Last night was his first lie. It is unreal how kids don't have to be taught to do wrong. No one had to show Brady how to hurt Mac. No one had to teach him how to be disobedient... and now lies. Here is the story. We are working on potty training which is a very long and tedious process. (side note: there is nothing funnier then hearing potty training stories of adults that you know - P.Tom shared a good one today about Andrea and I laughed out loud). Every time Brady uses the potty he gets a treat (positive reinforcment) - which is 2 M&Ms. Well he is a sugar freak. The kid loves all things sugar. So he was begging me for another treat and he had just used the potty 2 times within 10 minutes so I knew he was working the system. So I said "you only get M&Ms when you use the potty" - so he said "okay" and went upstairs, rustled some things in the bathroom and came out saying "I did it, I went potty" -- Well the boy does not yet know how to pull down his own pants but he knows how to lie. Thanks Adam.


Unknown said...


This one's awesome! The good news is that he is building resourcefulness skills and "street smarts"! Or maybe that's just "mommy smarts"? ; )

Anonymous said...

aw jamie! that made me laugh but i´m sure it wasn´t funny at the time. he is growing up so fast it freaks me out!

ps...i am less than thrilled that my dad is going around sharing my potty training stories....hahaha

Kara said...

Hey Jamie!
I enjoyed your entry! I remember once crushing up food and putting it in the toilet in an effort to convince my mom I had thrown up so I could get out of school. Watch out for that one...

I hope your family is doing well amidst all of your travels. Are you going to be in Springfield for candidate orientation in the spring? I would like to catch up and get some advice on the missionary process, since I am just starting to raise my MA budget.

Well have a great day! I look forward to another entry!

Kara Chase

Hernandos said...

The truth is I get to see you next weekend and I am so excited!!!!