Thursday, September 13, 2007

Where do they learn these things?

Today Brady impressed me with 2 new things. CLA has a new ministry Kiosk thing with a touch screen video. I was intriged and wanted to look at it. There was a world map up and the first thing Brady said was "see Greece" and he pointed to the general area in which we would live. I was so impressed, he picks up on things so quick. Also recently he has been uber into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. So we downloaded some of the songs off of Utube so he could watch online when it wasn't on TV since it only comes on at 8.30am and we don't have DVDs yet. So there are only so many times you can listen to Hot Dog Hot Dog Hot Diggidy Dog when you fell like you are about to go insane. We have to keep asking him "How old are you Brady?" and he reminds us, "TWO!!!!!" Anyways, I was trying to do something really quick on the computer and of course he wanted to watch Mickey Mouse and I was trying to ignore him so I could just check on this bill real quick - so he grabbed my chin and turned my face toward him real close and said "Mommy, Listen to me, watch Mickey Mouse" it was so funny I just about feel over. I must have done that to him before but I don't remember and he is just picking up on everything - unfortunatley.