Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A New Brady word

While we were in Arkansas sittin' on the back porch of Pop Pop Rando and Grandma Linda's Cabin there was an interesting smell and undeniable stench from one of natures stinkiest animals... a skunk. Brady is always talking about it but he calls it a STUNK - which is pretty appropriate. His little sniffer is getting pretty good, which is nice for me since mine is so bad. He lets me know when Mac has a dirty diaper by saying "I smell a poop mommy." Mac is getting really smart too. We have retired the pacifier for good now and he is talking a lot more. His comprehension astounds me. Now he can point out most of his body parts and follow most basic instructions. The cutest thing though was when we were first quizzing him he would always get nose and toes mixed up.

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