Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Kids and their funny words

Okay so every time my boys say a funny word I want to write it down and share it with the world but goodness I am so busy/tired I forget. So here are some so I can remind them of these funny moments when the are teenagers. Some of Brady's words have replaced the real word in our family vocabulary.
Brady's Funny words
Sandwich = hamwich
remote = mamote
legs = wegs
yellow = yeyo
blankie = bwankie
sleep = sweep
think = sink
i love you = i wuv you
i don't know = i'ont know (always accompanied by a shoulder shrug)
ice cream = ikream
M&Ms = m's
music = muskick
crocodile = coo coo greyu
Frosted mini wheats used to have Shrek on them so now they are forever called Shreks
It's really funny when he recreates my pep talks that I give him for me - like when I use the bathroom and he encourages me and cheers when I am done - using the same words and phrases
Mac is saying a lot of words lately. My favorites are
balloon = boon
bull (they live across the street)
milk = muck
juice = juc
Julia = jew
bye bye
no no - which he always says when he is doing something wrong
spoon = poon and applies to all utensils or straight items you can hold
bo-bos - which are the monkey brothers on Go Diego Go who are always causing trouble (fitting for my boys)
belly button
Brady = be de
uh oh

I know I am missing some but perhaps I'll add them later :)


Mary Beth said...

this is great. keep writing them down. you think you will remember, but you don't.

trust me... 20 years later... i WISH i had written more!

bizabis cbass said...

So cute! I miss your boys! Tim and I always walk around saying "thats wight, aunt biz, thats wight". (Obviously quoting Brady, who I think was quoting Backyardigans on the Mighty Knights song..."we're knights, that's right...") and "oh, sweet baby Ty!" which also comes from none other than Brady!

Annie Chase said...

so cute. I love the words for crocodile and Julia. Brought a smile to my face! =-)